92 research outputs found

    Identity, many-valuedness and referentiality

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    In the paper * we discuss a distinctive versatility of the non-Fregean approach to the sentential identity. We present many-valued and referential counterparts of the systems of SCI, the sentential calculus with identity, including Suszko’s logical valuation programme as applied to many-valued logics. The similarity of different constructions: many-valued, referential and mixed, leads us to the conviction of the universality of the non-Fregean paradigm of sentential identity as distinguished from the equivalence, cf. [9]

    Uncertainty of science and decision-making – problems with evidence-based policy

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    The purpose of this article is primarily to introduce the topic of scientific uncertainty to the wider context of economics and management. Scientific uncertainty is one of the manifestations of irreducible uncertainty and reflection on it should enable better decision making. An entity that bases its operation on current scientific research, which depreciates over time and ultimately leads to erroneous decisions, is referred to as the “loser”. The text indicates estimation of potential scale of this problem supplemented by an outline of sociological difficulties identified in the analysis of the process of building scientific statements. The article ends with a sketch of the answer to the question “how to act in the context of scientific uncertainty?

    Inferential paraconsistency

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    The paper aims to show that paraconsistency can be generated outside of a system as a property of the inference. The gist of the proposal is the application of the so-called q-consequence, a special generalisation of Tarski consequence

    The Possibility of Using Artificial Neural Networks for the Estimation of Mass Composition of High-Energy Primary Cosmic Ray

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    This paper shows that the artificial neural networks (ANN) can be used for determining the type of particles of high-energy primary cosmic ray (i.e. its mass composition) initiating the EAS. The approach implemented here can be used, e.g., in the Auger experiment. We describe the details of the ANN construction and demonstrate that the program is correct and can be further used to solve physical problems. The network was taught and tested based on the data for the maximum of the EAS development (X_max) and primary energy of a particle initiating this EAS (lg(E0)). The identification of particles based on X_max and lg(E0) resulted in around 80% of correct answers for the light mass composition and 99% for the heavy one. We have a correct answer for the mass composition with domination of one type of particles, i.e. light or heavy. Otherwise, additional parameters should be included as ANN input data

    Logical Many-Valuedness Versus Probability

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    The aim of the papers is to present and discuss the most direct issues on relation between logical many-valuedness and logical probability i.e. probability related to propositions. Having introduced the reader into the realm of many-valued logics, we outline two faces of the problem. One is that logical values must not be identified with the probability values, the other concerns the so-called subjective probability which, as shown by Giles, may be interpreted within the infinite-valued logic of Łukasiewicz.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    China, Geopolitics and Geoeconomics. How Not to Fall into the Trap of Narration?

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    Chinese infrastructural projects like the “Belt & Road Initiative” or the “Chinese 16 + 1 Initiative” are trapped in geopolitical narratives. Geopolitical concepts dressed in scientific robes make the logic of warfare begin to prevail over the logic of cooperation. As a consequence, something that was to be an opportunity for less developed countries, becomes the axis of conflict between the great powers. In this paper, I identify the logic of warfare as an underlining characteristic of geopolitical reasoning and show why it is incompatible with economic approach. I also argue that geopolitical concepts are not scientific theories, but rather self-fulfilling prophecies. This theoretical background allows to detect the biggest obstacles related to many Chinese initiatives, and also indicates some necessary means to neutralize geopolitical narratives

    Prowzrostowe przedziały nierówności w krajach OECD

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    Zarówno zbyt duże, jak i zbyt małe nierówności dochodowe obracają się przeciwko wzrostowi gospodarczemu. Bazując na tym ugruntowanym poglądzie w teorii ekonomii, autor podejmuje próbę określenia najkorzystniejszych przedziałów nierówności dla krajów OECD oraz szacuje prowzrostowe wartości współczynnika Giniego dla poszczególnych krajów

    Zasada ostrożności, czyli teoretycznie ustrukturyzowana panika w czasach COVID-19

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    The article deals with the precautionary principle. A hypothesis was formulated that the actions of decision-makers during the COVID-19 epidemic prove that this principle is a useful and valuable instrument for supporting decisions. The experience of a pandemic, associated with the need to justify drastic preventive actions, neutralizes a large part of the arguments critical of the precautionary principle. At the same time, the same research material enables new conclusions to be drawn about the practical application of the precautionary principle. The first part of the article discusses the concept of the precautionary principle, its definition, and the most important voices critical of it. The second one demonstrates that the observed current practice of applying this principle neutralizes a significant part of the charges made against it. Moreover, starting from the same observations, new areas of reflection on the precautionary principle in the context of making economic decisions in the conditions of uncertainty have been identified.Artykuł dotyczy zasady ostrożności. Postawiono w nim hipotezę, że poczynania decydentów w okresie epidemii COVID-19 dowodzą, że zasada ta jest przydatnym i wartościowym instrumentem wspomagającym decyzje. Doświadczenie pandemii, związane z koniecznością usprawiedliwiania drastycznych działań prewencyjnych, neutralizuje znaczną część argumentów krytycznych względem zasady ostrożności. Jednocześnie, ten sam materiał badawczy umożliwia wyciągnięcie nowych wniosków na temat praktyki stosowania zasady ostrożności. W pierwszej części artykułu została omówiona koncepcja zasady ostrożności, jej definicja oraz najważniejsze głosy względem niej krytyczne. W drugiej wykazano, że obserwowana aktualnie praktyka stosowania tej zasadyneutralizuje istotną część zarzutów formułowanych pod jej adresem. Ponadto, wychodząc od tych samych obserwacji, zostały wskazane nowe, niedostatecznie przebadane jeszcze obszary refleksji nad zasadą ostrożności w kontekście podejmowania decyzji gospodarczych w warunkach niepewności